Return Policy
If for any reason you are not satisfied with the order you have received, please contact us. At Griply, we strive for our customers to be 100% satisfied with the product they have purchased from our suppliers. If you are not satisfied with the product, please contact us, and our team will assist you immediately.
How can I return (part of) my order?
If you decide to return your products to us within our 90-day cooling-off period, we will refund the total order amount within five working days after receiving the product. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse the costs of the return shipment.
Follow the steps below to return your product:
Send us an email at stating that you want to return your order or part thereof.
Wait for a response from our customer service regarding whether we can accept the return.
If we can accept your return, please do the following. Pack the product to be returned neatly and securely, preferably in the original packaging.
Send the package to the return address provided by our customer service.
Send our customer service the Track & Trace code.
Once your package has arrived and been checked, we will refund the order amount for the returned products via the payment method used for the purchase.
Products that meet one or more of the following criteria cannot be returned:
For sealed products. Once the seal is broken, these products cannot be returned. Products that have been manufactured by the entrepreneur according to consumer specifications (custom-made); are of a personal nature; Products that cannot be returned due to their nature; Products falling into the categories "Beauty," "Kids & Baby," "Underwear," and "Sport" cannot be returned due to COVID-19 hygiene measures. Return Address:
We use our supplier's return address. Returns should be sent to:
Country: China
Province: Zhejiang City: Ningbo Address: Lane 1177, Jianlan Road, Meixu Street District: Yinzhou Zip code: 315100 We do our utmost to process all orders correctly. Unfortunately, there may be occasions when orders slip through and we deliver the wrong product. We will, of course, rectify this and send you the correct order at no cost.
Cancellation of your order is not possible once it has been shipped. Our orders are processed directly in the system, making cancellation impossible.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to return underwear due to hygiene protocols.
Damaged products upon arrival
How unfortunate! Your product may have been damaged during transport. If you have received a damaged or incorrect product, please contact us within 90 days of receiving the product. After this period, the return period unfortunately expires.
For the quickest resolution, send us an email with a photo showing the damaged part of the item. The optimal photos are on a flat surface showing the label and the defect. We use this information to assist you with your order and to prevent errors in the future.
For defects, we always provide a replacement package free of charge the first time, and unfortunately, we cannot provide a refund. If the product arrives defective for the second time, we will refund your total purchase amount.
For questions about damaged products upon arrival, please contact us at
Product faults or defects after use
How unfortunate! Over time, a product fault may occur, indicating a defect. In other words, the part is broken and no longer meets the manufacturer's prescribed standard. Wear parts are excluded from product faults or defects. Wear parts include, but are not limited to:
Drive belts batteries, brake pads and discs, brake linings, brake drums, Chains, lamps, sprockets, tires, and tubes. Moving parts in the broadest sense of the word. For questions about product faults or defects after use, please contact us at
Delivery of incorrect products
For questions about the delivery of incorrect products, please contact us at